Faith Verses History

Mike Kelly  |  April 14, 2024

Give ear, O my people, to my teaching; incline your ears to the words of my mouth! Psalm 78.1

Asaph had something to say and the people needed to listen. And listen they would for another seventy-one verses. The next six are very hopeful. He’s sure that these words will change everything. Generations still unborn will hear them and obey.  Without doubt, Asaph meant every word, but the next sixty verses contain a relentless catalog of Israel’s faithlessness in the wilderness and afterward.  Asaph’s faith was genuine, but the best minister’s faith has to fight history every Sabbath.  What has come, after all, of last week’s sermon? Or the three hundred before that?  Or the shepherding you’ve done, or the lessons you taught?  Despite all that brilliance and passion, your congregation probably fits right in with church history.  

What has come, after all, of last week’s sermon? Or the three hundred before that?  Or the shepherding you’ve done, or the lessons you taught? 

Asaph knew the feeling, but he still stood in the Temple, took up his lyre and told the congregation to listen up! We know he wasn’t naïve. And history demonstrates that his message was no silver bullet. We’re still struggling, and we’ve had his song for thousands of years. So, what kept him in the fight with the history of God’s people?  The King, of course. He ended his song with the ground of the hope that began it. David would shepherd Israel with an upright heart and skillful hand (verse 70-72). Of course, David’s history raises plenty of questions, but none that the Son of David didn’t answer.  

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