Church Fights

Mike Kelly  |  February 4, 2024

Paul and Barnabas had no small dissension and debate with them, Acts 15.2

It definitely wasn’t small.  The same word translated as “dissension” here is used for the near riot in 19.40 and the dispute that became violent in 24.7-10. Fifteen-hundred years later Protestants re-started the Acts 15 fight. Good for them. Some things are worth fighting for. But the thing about fights is that they’re harder to stop than start, as 16th century history demonstrates. There’s plenty to get cranked up today.  Some of the issues are worth Pauline zeal. Some may even set the boundaries of ecclesiastical communion but be cautious about contention.   

Some of the issues are worth Pauline zeal. Some may even set the boundaries of ecclesiastical communion but be cautious about contention.   

Cautious doesn’t mean passive. Controversial subjects deserve compelling sermons. Naturally, that means you’ll need to study Scripture, but you’d better study yourself, too. Chapter 15 begins with a worthy battle, but it’s no accident that Luke bound this famous passage with an artful inclusio about arguing. He doesn’t use the same word, but neither fight was pretty and only one was necessary. John Mark had issues, but he was no threat to the Gospel. Maybe Paul had a point. We don’t know everything about that sadness, but until agitation becomes a new fruit of the Spirit, we’d better be careful about starting church fights.

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