Books for Church Planting and Pastoral Leadership

Mike Kelly  |  February 24, 2022
  1. Books for Church Planting and Pastoral Leadership
  2. Books for Engaging with Our Current Cultural Moment

On the Theology, History, Context, and Practice of Church Planting and Leadership

  • Transforming Mission: Paradigm Shifts in Theology of Mission by David J. Bosch. This is probably the most important work on mission written in the last 100 years. There is very little specifically about church planting in this tome, but his sweeping analysis of 2,000 years of mission is essential reading for anyone who wants to be better at the mission of the Gospel.
  • Church Planter Field Manual three book series by Dr. Tom Wood. Dr. Wood is an experienced church planter, network leader, and coach who provides focused, practical next steps and how-to help for practitioners.
  • Church Planting: Laying Foundations by Stuart Murray. Murray’s examination of the biblical and historical foundations of church planting provides essential context for a very useful series of chapters that address the full array of practical issues planters face.
  • Center Church by Tim Keller. This is the most comprehensive, contemporary text on mission available. Extremely helpful theological, cultural, and philosophical insights as well as practical helps.
  • Launch: Starting a New Church from Scratch by Nelson Searcy and Kerrick Thomas. While I do not believe that Searcy and Thomas appreciate the factors that made their work an outlier, this book does the service of providing a counter-point to the prevailing approach of extended, slow burn networking.
  • 1776 by David McCullough. There is not a single word about church planting in this book.  However, it provides one example after another of agile and courageous decisions made by imperfect, overwhelmed, often frightened, always under-resourced leaders reacting to impossible situations. Sounds like church planting to me.
  • David and Goliath by Malcolm Gladwell studies the unique advantages that the under-dog takes into every fight. This book is very helpful for men who lead a church that doesn’t actually exist anywhere but their website (yet).
  • Atheist Delusions: The Christian Revolution and its Fashionable Enemies by David Bentley Hart. A brilliant answer to fundamentalist atheist evangelists and so helpful on many levels. For our purpose, his defense of the Church in history is very useful.
  • Church Planting Movements: How God is Redeeming a Lost World by Dr. David Garrison. A compelling survey with analysis of dozens of amazing missional movements across the globe. This is a hopeful, challenging, thought provoking work.
  • Bad Religion by Ross Douthat. Again, nothing here on church planting, but Douthat’s survey and analysis of the current American religious culture will help church leaders see their people and places more clearly.
  • On Paradise Drive by David Brooks. Brooks delivers trenchant insights into contemporary American life that will help ministers and elders care for and lead the flock. As the pastor of a church in the city of Seattle for nearly 20 years, I understand the importance of reaching urbanites. However, it is clearly more difficult and at the very least equally important to plant churches in the American suburb.
  • Church In the Making by Ben Ament. This books offers accessible, helpful insights on the why and how of church planting.
  • The Spontaneous Expansion of the Church: And the Causes That Hinder It by Roland Allen. Although this work can be overly idealistic at times, Allen gives us a forceful—and all too often accurate—analysis of the problems associated with institutionalized mission as well as provocative challenges to overcome them.

On Caring for the People Who Plant Churches (with selections by Sandy Kelly)

  • Dangerous Calling by Paul D. Tripp. The best book on identifying and addressing the tensions, pitfalls, and sins that distract, diminish, and destroy ministers, their families, and their churches. 
  • Beyond Duct Tape: Holding the Heart Together in a Life of Ministry by Shari Thomas and Tami Resch. This very helpful work draws from extensive research on church planting wives around the world and then documents, analyzes, and applies it to the life and heart of women in ministry. The researching authors have over 50 years of experience at the center of church planting ministry. 
  • Gospel Coach by Scott Thomas and Tom Wood (mentioned above). This is a well-integrated application of the biblical foundations of leadership development and contemporary coaching theory with a clear Gospel-centered focus.
  • Resilient Ministry by Bob Burns, Tasha Chapman, and Donald Guthrie. Based on work made possible by a substantial Lily Foundation Grant this book codifies, analyzes, and applies the authors’ research into the lives of hundreds of ministers and their families over a 6 year time-frame. The insights and applications they cull from this long-range project can help renew and sustain the health of ministers, ministry families, and their churches.
  • Emotionally Healthy Spirituality by Peter Scazzero. I prefer this to his earlier work The Emotionally Healthy Church. They cover the same material, but this book focuses on the hearts of members and pastors which lay the foundation for the culture of the congregation.
  • The Church Planting Wife by Christine Hoover. This book offers helpful insights and biblical perspectives about the heart as well as the practical challenges church planting wives face.
  • High Privilege, High Calling by Gail MacDonald is rich with the long-term perspective of a leader who has faced deep challenges. She provides counsel and concrete direction for women in formal or informal positions of leadership in the church. First published in 1981 and revised in 1998, MacDonald’s approach is mildly “old school” at times, which we think makes it particularly helpful for contemporary leaders, both men and women.
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Mike Kelly
Mike founded the Northwest Church Planting Network in 2001. Through his leadership the Network has been involved in the planting of 19 churches in Washington, Oregon, and Alaska. Mike also planted a church in Indiana and revitalized a church in Seattle that he pastored for 20 years. He offers decades of pastoral and leadership experience for young emerging ministers.
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