Sunday Meds

Sunday meditations to help you keep going
Ian Kelly  |  April 7, 2024
Go, call your husband.  John 4.16 So much has been made of Jesus’ gentleness with the woman at the well, that it is easy to miss the potential harm of his words.  He knew all about her and still he sent her to get the husband he knew she didn’t have. And then, he went […]
Mike Kelly  |  March 31, 2024
…they went out and fled from the tomb, for trembling and astonishment had seized them, and they said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid. Mark 16.8 The rest of Mark is of dubious provenance, but let’s be honest. Snake handling would be off-limits even if King James himself wrote Mark’s Gospel. Tempting snakes because […]
Mike Kelly  |  February 25, 2024
Do not pray for the welfare of this people. Jeremiah 14.11 That’s not the only time God told Jeremiah to stop it with the prayers. Some are even more absolute (7.16). The prohibitions are striking, but Jeremiah’s response raises more questions. After God elaborates on his reasons the prophet answers with one of his famous […]
Mike Kelly  |  February 18, 2024
What were you discussing on the road? Mark 9.34 When Jesus had heard enough of the disciples’ “discussion,” which Mark later calls an argument, he took a child in his arms and told them to shut up without telling them to shut up. It’s worth wondering if he did that this week.  Jesus will decide […]
Mike Kelly  |  February 4, 2024
Paul and Barnabas had no small dissension and debate with them, Acts 15.2 It definitely wasn’t small.  The same word translated as “dissension” here is used for the near riot in 19.40 and the dispute that became violent in 24.7-10. Fifteen-hundred years later Protestants re-started the Acts 15 fight. Good for them. Some things are worth fighting for. But the thing about fights is […]
Mike Kelly  |  January 28, 2024
You shall invest him with some of your authority that all the congregation of people of Israel may obey him.  Numbers 27.20 Moses did what he was told and commissioned Joshua, but we can wonder what he thought about the authority and obedience part. Compliance doesn’t come to mind when we read about the wilderness […]
Mike Kelly  |  January 21, 2024
Does he thank the servant because he did what he was commanded?  Luke 17.9 Jesus is a boss, but not in the urban dictionary way. He’s a boss in the 1950s way that tells you what to do and expects you to do it. Then he tells you to do the next thing. This pattern […]
Mike Kelly  |  January 14, 2024
… no one remembered that poor man.  Ecclesiastes 9.15 The best-case scenario for your legacy is that about 75 years from now your church will celebrate a milestone and you’ll show up in the slideshow for about four seconds.  Most of the people see you, but some are distracted by the kids, and others are […]
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