Public Square

Truth, Church, History and Culture
Mike Kelly  |  June 24, 2022
Whatever one thinks of our religious heritage, American Christians of every political stripe, cultural vision, and theological tradition make Jesus a model citizen of their ideal America.
Walter Wood  |  May 27, 2022
Europe has celebrity, wealth, publishing and social media, but those values have not saturated the protestant world there to the extent they have in the U.S.
Mike Kelly  |  April 25, 2022
A Few Recommendations.
John Matta  |  March 24, 2022
PacRIM allows one to grow in their ministry gifts, consider planting in the Northwest, and experience a beautiful region of the country.
Mike Kelly  |  February 24, 2022
(Quite) A Few Recommendations
Mike Kelly  |  January 20, 2022
As essential as empathy is for true agape, the Bible doesn’t need us to make it more empathetic.
Mike Kelly  |  December 29, 2021
“Kind” is the perfect moral paradigm for an affluent people in an age of license.
Mike Kelly  |  August 5, 2021
Like the artist's medium, every question shares common shades, hues, and primary color variations.
Mike Kelly  |  August 3, 2021
How to ask when you already know.
Mike Kelly  |  July 29, 2021
There are two kinds of questions: didactic and discovery.
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